Sunday, September 20, 2020

Worksheet 1, RESPIRATION IN ORGANISMS, Ch 10, Class 7

 I) Fill in the blanks:-

 1) Larynx is also known as --------------------.

 2) Frog have ------------- and ------------ as respiratory organs.

 3) ---------------- is produced in anaerobic respiration.

 4) Muscle cell produce ------------------------- during sudden activity. 

5) Closing and opening of stomata is controlled by ----------------------.

 6) The leaves of plants have small pore called ------------------. 

7) ------------------- respiration takes place in presence of oxygen. 

8) The oxygen carrying components in blood is ------------------.

 9) The percentage of oxygen inhaled air is-----------------. 

10) ------------------- is the normal range of breathing rate/minute in an adult person at rest. 

11) The percentage of carbon dioxide in inhaled air is ----------------. 

12) Muscle cramps occur due to accumulation of --------------------. 

13) During exhalation the ribs move -------------------. 

14) In cockroach the air enters through-----------------. 

15) The air tubes in insects are called------------------. 

II) Multiple Choice Questions:- 

1) In insects, air enters the body through a) Lungs b) gills c) skin d) spiracles 

2) During exhalation the ribs move a) Upwards b) downwards c) outwards d) to normal position

 3) Plants breathe through their stomata located in their a) Leaves b) Stem c) roots d) flowers

 4) Gills are respiratory organs in a) Fish b) cockroach c) amoeba d) earthworm 

5) Breathing is a a) Chemical process b) physical process c) biological process d) biochemical process 

6) In aerobic respiration which chemical substance is produced? a) Lactic acid b) carbon dioxide c) alcohol d) citric acid 

7) More energy is released in a) Anaerobic respiration b) aerobic respiration c) fermentation d) breathing 

8) Inhalation is the a) Intake of oxygen b) release of oxygen c) intake of carbon dioxide d) release of carbon dioxide 

9) Hemoglobin is present in a) RBC b) WBC c) platelets d) plasma 

10) In plants, exchange of gases takes place through a) Guard cells b) normal cells c) stomata d) epidermis

 11) Oxidation of food inside cell takes place in a) Mitochondria b) Golgi bodies c) chromosomes d) ribosomes 

12) Inspiration is the process of a) Taking in oxygen rich in air b) release of carbon dioxide rich in air c) taking in carbon dioxide rich in air d) none 

13) Hemoglobin carries oxygen molecules as a) Car boxy hemoglobin b) a&c c) oxyhaemoglobin d) none 

14) Which of the following organism breathe through skin? a) Cockroach b) fish c) earthworm d) human 

15) Muscular floor of the chest cavity is called a) Diaphragm b) ribcage c) bronchus d) trachea

III) Name the following:- 

a) An organism that respire by tracheal system. 

b) The air tube of insects 

c) Small pores on leaves surface for exchange of gases. 

d) Red coloured pigment present in RBC. 

e) Small balloon like structure that make the lungs.

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