Monday, September 7, 2020

Plant Cell Culture and Application ( Class XII) 3 marks question


  1. Parth has identified luciferase gene from firefly. Construct a flowchart of the steps that you would follow to transfer the gene to a plant.
  2. Depict the induction of crowngall on a stem of a plant by Agrobacterium tumefaciens with the help of a schematic diagram
  3. Outline various steps involved in the regeneration of whole plants using culture techniques.
  4. As a GM crop breeder you had learnt the various constraints that are associated with public acceptance of transgenic crops. Discuss
  5. What is germ plasm? What is germplasm conservation? What are the benefits of non-conventional gene banks over conventional gene banks?
  6. What is the principal of barnase-barstar gene system? How have plant breeders exploited this system?
  7. What are secondary metabolites? Suggest any four secondary metabolites which are useful in medicine.
  8. Explain the saying: “Transgenic plants as bioreactors”.
  9. Describe how Agrobacterium tumefaciens can be used to introduce foreign gene into plants.
  10. What are edible vaccines? How are they better than conventional vaccines?
  11. Though a genetically engineered crop is herbicide and pesticide resistant, it still requires use of agrochemicals. Mention atleast three facts to justify the statement.
  12. Somatic hybrids and cybrids are produced by a technique of plant biotechnology. Identify this technique and explain by citing two examples of plants.
  13. What are molecular markers? Where they are used? What are there advantages over other markers?
  14. Mention one advantage of obtaining male sterile plants. How can one express barnase specifically in tapetal cells of an anther to obtain such plants? Which other enzymes can be used to restore its fertility?
  15. Biotechnology strategies can be used to overcome limitations caused by various abiotic stresses. Explain the above said statement?
  16. Explain why Bt cotton flowers undergo pollination by butterflies and bees in spite of being insect/pest resistant?
  17. Write various markers used in selection/screening of transgenic plants.
  18. Write on the bioethics of plant genetic engineering.
  19. (a) How the unnecessary pollination can be prevented using transgenic plant? (b) How the insect resistant plants can be produced?   (c) Define biolistic
  20. What are the proposed benefits of genetic engineering in crop improvement?

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