Sunday, September 20, 2020

Animal Cell Culture 1 mark questions, Class 12(BIOTECH)


  1. What is meant by tissue engineering?
  2. Animal cells were cultured in a peptone – glucose broth. They failed to grow and died. Why?
  3. How can cancerous cells be detected in a biopsy?
  4. Why is tPA administered after cerebral hemorrhage?
  5. State any two features of animal cell culture.
  6. Why are animal cell culture media supplemented with fetal calf serum?
  7. What is herceptin?
  8. Antibiotics are added to culture medium for animal cells. Why?
  9. Why a pan of water is always kept in an incubator chamber, used for animal cell culture?
  10. Name the scientist who established the first human cell line from cervix cancer cells.
  11. Why is it essential to supplement animal cell culture media with serum?
  12. Why is humulin considered better than pig insulin for the treatment of diabetes?
  13. Name the scientist who were first to introduce trypsin for the sub culturing of adherent cells.
  14. What is Gene Knock Out?
  15. Why it is necessry to prepare karyotype of cell before its culture?

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