Sunday, September 20, 2020

Animal Cell Culture 2marks question, Class 12(BIOTECH)


  1. In assesing the effect of growth factors on animal cell cultures, a particular phase of growth is more suitable. Name this phase giving reason for the same.
  2. How is lipofection used to deliver genes into cells?
  3. What is OKT-3? Why is it administered during kidney transplantations?
  4. What is embryonic stem cell culture? State their observed properties in tissue culture.
  5. Name the two antibiotics added to animal culture media. Why cannot these be used in microbial media?
  6. How are animal cells stored and how are they revived when require for culturing?
  7. Based on microscopic observation, how can an oncologist differentiate between cancerous and normal cells?
  8. Why is r- HuEPO preferred over blood transfusion in a person with blood loss due to accident?
  9. The long distance runners are disqualified if they test positive for EPO. What is it? What is its impact on the body of runner?
  10. What is the importance of maintaining pH while culturing animal cells? How is the pH maintained in a culture media?
  11. Karyotype determination of animal cell culture is important. Why? What factors affect its stability?
  12. Why is it difficult to culture animal cells as compared to plant cells? Why is it essential to supplement animal cell culture media with serum?
  13. Why is it possible to store animal cells for long periods at very low temperature in the presence of DMSO and high concentration of serum?
  14. Administration of monoclonal antibodies against CD3 can help accept renal allograft in patients. Why?
  15. As a student of biotechnology you know that animal cell culture media is supplemented with serum. Discuss what are advantages and limitations of using serum in the media.
  16. As a student of biotechnology you know that animal cell culture media is supplemented with serum. Discuss what are advantages and limitations of using serum in the media.
  17. Why are animal cells grown in CO2 incubators and not in regular incubators? Do we require similar incubators for culturing microbial cells?
  18. What is the difference between a defined and a serum-supplemented medium?
  19. Once a cell line has been established, its karyotype has to be determined. Why?
  20. With an example explain how secondary cell cultures are derived?
  21. Why are low speed centrifuge required for most cell culture?
  22. Burn victims are grafted with skin peels from other parts of their body rather than from a donor individual. Why?
  23. If you wish to scale up cells derived from human tissue, what kind of culture set up will you use and why?
  24. Expand: FSH, ICM, FGH, PDGF
  25. What are inverted microscopes and why are they useful in animal cell culture lab?
  26. Animal cells in a culture medium were placed in a regular incubator used for growing bacterial cells. Do you expect the animal cells to grow or not?
  27. What is meant by tissue engineering? Explain any two important medical applications of tissue engineering.
  28. How do we analyse the growth characteristics of a particular cell line?

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