Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 The growth of plant tissues in artificial media is called___________

a) Gene expression
b) Transgenesis
c) Plant tissue culture
d) Cell hybridization

Name the term given to the ability of single cells to divide and produce all the differentiated cell in the organism?
a) Unipotent
b) Pluripotent
c) Multipotent
d) Totipotency

Out of the following, which one is NOT the basic component of culture media used for plant cultivation?
a) Complex mixture of salts
b) Amino acids
c) Serum albumin
d) Sugar/ sucrose

Mark the INCORRECT statement about agar, a gelling agent in plant tissue culture medium?
a) Not digested by plant enzymes
b) It does not use in microprapogation work
c) It does not react with media constituents
d) Remain stable at incubation temperature

Which of the following is NOT a plant growth regulator?
a) Auxin
b) Cytokinins
c) Abcisic acid
d) Polyphenols

Which of the following is the main effect of cytokines in the tissue culture system?
a) Adventitious shoot formation
b) Induction of somatic embryos
c) Adventitious root formation
d) Shoot elongation

Which one of them is NOT the main effect of polyamines in the tissue culture system?
a) Promotion of tuber and bulb formation
b) Adventitious root formation
c) Promotion of shoot formation
d) Somatic embryogenesis

Which of the following plant hormone control fruit ripening?
a) Ethylene
b) Auxin
c) Gibbrellins
d) Abscisis acid

Who is the father of tissue culture?
a) Bonner
b) Haberlandt
c) Laibach
d) Gautheret

Synthetic seed is produced by encapsulating somatic embryo with
a) sodium chloride
b) sodium alginate
c) sodium acetate
d) sodium nitrate

Hormone pair required for a callus to differentiate are
a) auxin and cytokinin
b) auxin and ethylene
c) auxin and absiccic acid
d) cytokinins and gibberllin

DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) is used as
a) Gelling agent
b) alkaylating agent
c) Chelating agent
d) Cryoprotectant

The most widely used chemical for protoplast fusion, as fusogens, is
a) Manitol
b) Sorbitol
c) Mannol
d) Poly ethylene glycol (PEG)

Cybrids are produced by
a) Fusion of two different nuclei from two different species
b) Fusion of two same nuclei from same species
c) Nucleus of one species but cytoplasm from both the parent species
d) None of the above

Callus is
a) Tissue that forms embryo
b) An insoluble carbohydrate
c) Tissue that grows to form embryoid
d) Un organised actively dividing mass of cells maintained in cultured

Part of plant used for culturing is called
a) Scion
b) Explant
c) Stock
d) Callus

Growth hormone producing apical dominance is
a) Auxin
b) Gibberellin
c) Ethylene
d) Cytokinin

A medium which is composed of chemically defined compound is called
a) Natural media
b) Synthetic media
c) Artificial media
d) None of these

To obtain haploid plant, we culture
a) Entire anther
b) Nucleus
c) Embryo
d) Apical bud

Somaclonal variations are the ones
a) Caused by mutagens
b) Produce during tissue culture
c) Caused by gamma rays
d) Induced during sexual embryogeny

Which of the following plant cell will show totipotency?
a) Xylem vessels
b) Sieve tube
c) Meristem
d) Cork cells

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