Tuesday, November 10, 2020


                                                                                                                                Total Marks :32

1.      1. R.E. were firstly discovered by ………………………………………………………………. In……………………..                        (1.5)

2.      2.  First rDNA molecule was generated by …………………………………………………………… and …………………                                    (1.5)

3.     3  Differentiate between blunt and sticky ends with an example and diagrammatic representation.    (3)

4.      4. What is the principle behind RFLP. If there is a DNA, having following R.E. site        (3)

Show the fragments cleaved, on the gel electrophoresis. If 2nd recognition site gets mutated, would the fragments produce varies. Show on gel electrophoresis if the result varies.

5.    5.  What is the functions of DNA ligase? From where it is obtained?                (2)

6.   6.What are shuttle vectors? Why they are important?                                        (2)

7.   7.Show life cycle of M13 phage with diagram.                                                    (2)

8.    8.For expression of enkaryotic genes, we carit take E. Coli as a host, How this problem can be solved? State the reasons.                                                                                            (3)

9.    9. With the help of a technique show the presence of a particular microorganism in the sample of soil.(4)

1010 Describe in detail how the selections of recombinants take place in pBR vectors.            (5)

1111. Name the scientist who invented the dideoxynucleotide chain termination method. How would you perform it in single tube? Explain the whole process schematically with diagram for the following strand obtained :


Where Red codes for ddA, Black for ddT, Green for ddC, Blue for ddG                                    (5)

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