Thursday, November 26, 2020


1. Give an account of post-transcriptional modifications of a eukaryotic mRNA.  (3)

2. Discuss the process of translation in detail.                    (5)

3.  Give an account of the Hershey and Chase experiment. What did it conclusively prove? If both DNA and proteins contained phosphorus and sulphur do you think the result would have been the same.             (5)

4. There is only one possible sequence of amino acids when deduced from given nucleotides. But multiple nucleotides sequence can be deduced from a single amino acid sequence. Explain this phenomenon.            (2)

5. Who revealed the biochemical nature of the transforming principle? How was it done?    (3)

6. Given below is the sequence of the coding strand of DNA in a transcription unit 3 'A A T G C A G C T A T T A G G – 5’ write the sequence of a) its complementary strand b) the mRNA        (2)

7.What is the cause of discontinuous synthesis of DNA on one of the parental strands of DNA? What happens to these short stretches of synthesized DNA?        (3)

8. Differentiate between

    (a) Aneuploids and euploids

    (b) Inversion and translocation

    (c) Transition and transversion                    (3)

9. Write the genetic make up of Down Syndrome and Klienfelters Syndrome?        (2)

10. For a X linked disease if a carrier mother marries to a normal male. What is the probability of having:

a. a normal daughter

b. a diseased son

c. normal children

d. diseased daughter                (2)

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