Friday, November 6, 2020


1. If you want to check the production of recombinant protein which vector is useful for this purpose and why?

2. Give the restriction site of ECO R1 and Hind II, Bam H1 and their source.

3. What is difference between dNTP and ddNTP?

4. If there are two strand of DNA sample after 25 cycle of PCR how many copies of DNA sample will be produced. Also give the denaturation, annealing and polymerization temperature of PCR. 

5. On which technique DNA fingerprinting is based. What is the significance of probes? 

6. What are the disadvantage of using E.coli for production of eukaryotic protein?

7. What is the principle of blue white selection for the presence of recombinant plasmid?

8. Why are R.E. are called as molecular scissor. Give an example of type two R.E. that generate sticky ends and sequences recognized by it.

9. What do you mean by RFLP. Give its important application and diagrammatically represent this technique.

10. Why bacteria do produces R.E. and how do they protect their own DNA fragments from its action.

11. If you wanted to express a eukaryotic protein in bacterial cells would you clone genomic DNA or c-DNA in to the expression vector ? Justify your choice with suitable answer.

12.  What do you mean by probe. Give significance of probe in southern hybridization. Illustrate the process of southern hybridization with diagram.

13. Name the thermostable enzyme used in PCR. Why thermostable enzyme is used in PCR?

14. What is competent cell? How can it produce? 

15.  Difference between followings….

a)      Genomic DNA and C DNA library

b)      Blunt end DNA and sticky end DNA

c)      YAC and BAC vectors

d)     Shuttle vectors and Expression vectors

                       e)    dNTP and ddNTP    
16.   What are the disadvantage of using E.coli for production of eukaryotic protein.

17.   If you are going to synthesize protein directly from gene which DNA would you prefer Genomic or cDNA and why?

18. What do you mean by restriction modification system? Illustrate with diag.

19. Explain why the sequence read from an autoradiogram is complementary to its original sequences?

20. You need to sequence a small RNA viruses (ss) suggest a outline how would you obtain the sequence if only DNA sequencing facilities is available in your laboratories.

21.  Today DNA sequencing is one of the most indispensable tools in the field of biotechnology. Name the scientist and the DNA structure who had worked out the first nucleotide sequence.

22. An auto radiogram sequence read as follows from anodic to cathodic  end  CATCCGATAGC  

23. How many cycle of reaction of PCR required to produce 65536 genes from a single gene.

24. The restriction endonuclease EcoRI is a dimeric (2 subunit) enzyme. Based on how these proteins interact with DNA, do you expect it to be homodimeric or heterodimeric? Defend your choice.

25. Other than restriction enzymes, DNA ligase and alkaline phosphatase are also used as tools in RDT. Name the source organism from where these two enzymes are isolated and the functions of these enzymes.

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