Friday, November 6, 2020


 1. If a genetic engineer has to choose a vector in order to clone single standard foreign gene then which vector would you suggest?

2. What is the role of Mg+ ion ,buffer solution in PCR?

3. Why BAC is used for human gene sequencing not YAC?

4. How can self ligation is avoided in r DNA construction?

5. Name the vecors based on F plasmid.

6. Name the vectors having lac Z gene as marker gene.

7. Name the mega plasmid for GM crop production.

8. Why can not E. coli used to produce penicillin?

9.  What phenomenon is used to changing the sequences of gene by in vitro methods.

10. What is the advantages of having polylinker in a cloning vector.

11.  Indicate how can large amount of one of the strand of ds DNA fragement be generated using any cloning vectors?

12. If you want to express a gene in the host you need a vehicle. Describe the vehicle which can be used to carry the gene of 14 kb.

13. Name the hybrid vector formed by lambda phage and plasmid DNA.

14. How Lac Z gene can be used a screening marker? 

15. Give the sequence of the two primers (5 nucleotides long)required to amplify the following DNA sequence by PCR:     5'GCACCTAGATCGATCC 3'

16. Give two reasons why different vectors are required for recombinant DNA technology?

17. Name the vector which is used in genome sequencing project. Also write the name of gene that it contains.

18. Write any one advantage of automated Sanger's method over Sangers method.

19. What is lytic pathway?

20. What is the role of cos site in phage lamda?

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