Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Worksheet 1 ( Nutrition in Plants, class 7)

                       NUTRITION IN PLANTS

Fill in the blanks:

1.Green plants are called ................. since they synthesize their own food.
2. The food synthesized by the plants is stored as..........................
3. In photosynthesis solar energy is captured by the pigment called.................
4. During photosynthesis plants take in ................. and release.....................
5. Proteins contain................
6. In most of green plants, photosynthesis takes place in the.........................
7. Plants are unable to use atmospheric.....................
8. During photosynthesis, .................. energy is captured by the leaves and stored as food.

9. The bodies of living organisms are made of tiny units called............
10. Cells can be seen by the help of .............
11.Chlorophyll containing structure in a plant cell _______
12.Chlorophyll helps the plant to _______
13.An organism that obtains nutrients from decaying organic matter is called _______
14.Light energy is converted into chemical energy during the process of _______
Organisms that make their own food are called _______
16.The food factories of the autotrophic plants are their _______

17. Green patches in ponds or in other stagnant water bodies are generally formed by the growth of organisms called ..............
18.Most plants and unicellular algae are _______
19.Insectivorous plants are _______
20.During photosynthesis the stomata helps in the intake of _______
21.The pipe like structures that transport the food in plants are called _______
22. Rhizobium bacteria that live in roots of certain plants convert atmospheric nitrogen into  _______
23.Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the plant through an opening called _______
24. Algae and fungus live together to form  _______

Multiple choice questions:

1. Amarbel is an example of –
(a) Autotroph
(b) Parasite
(c) Heterotroph
(d) Host

2. The plant which traps a feed on insects is-
(a) Cucuta
(b) Rose
(c) Pitcher plant
(d) sunflower

3. Which of these components of food can be synthesized by plants-?
(d)All of these

4. Which of these is/are necessary for photosynthesis to takes place-?
(a)Carbon dioxide
(d)All of these

5. The trapped insect gets entangled in the hair in-
(a)Green plant
(b)Insectivorous plants
(d)None of these

Very Short answer type questions (1 marks)

1. What are stomata?
2. Define autotrophs?
3. Name the end product of photosynthesis?
4. Name the green pigment present in the leave?
5. What are lichens?
6.What is nutrition?
7.Are birds autotrophs?
8.What is a heterotroph?
9.Give an example of saprophyte?
Do leaves that do not appear green have chlorophyll?
11. Name the gas that is produced during photosynthesis?
12. Give an example of a partial parasitic plant?
13. Distinguish between autotrophs and heterotrophs?
14. Write the word equation for photosynthesis?


Fill in the blanks:

1. autotrophs
2. starch
3. chlorophyll
4. carbondioxide and oxygen
5. nitrogen
6. leaves
7. nitrogen
8. solar
9. cell
10. microscope
11. chloroplast
12. trap solar energy
13. saprotroph
14. photosynthesis
15. autotrophs
16. leaves
17. algae
18. autotrophic
19. heterotrophic
20. oxygen
21. phloem
22. soluble form
23. stomato
24. lichen

Multiple choice questions:

1. b   2. c   3.d     4.d      5.b

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