Wednesday, April 22, 2020



  • it means when a single stranded DNA binds to complementary sequence with the same base base pairing rules.
  • thus used to detect the presence and amount of complementary DNA sequence present in isolated DNA
  • for detection PROBES are used 
  • Probes are relatively small stranded sequences of DNA that recognize and bind to complementary sequences
  • for visualization probes are tagged with a fluorescent label (which can be seen under UV) or tagged with radioactive label by a technique called autoradiography (visualized under photographic film)
• Short probes tend to hybridize nucleic acids at very high rates
(in minutes).
• whereas longer probes may require reacti...
– A nucleic acid probe
• Is a short, single-stranded molecule of
radioactively labeled or fluorescently labeled
DNA or RNA...
• The base sequence of the probe and the conditions
under which the probe is used determine its

• Whatever label is used, it has to be attached to, or
incorporated into, the nucleic acid probe.Here are 5
methods of lab...

This principle of hybridization is used in our next topic i.e. SOUTHERN HYBRIDIZATION:

This was invented by E.M.Southern in the year 1975

Remember 2 words here that are blotting and baking

There are different types of blotting techniques as: SOUTHERN BLOT, NORTHERN BLOT AND WESTERN BLOT

Southern blots - DNAs are transfered to paper and specific nucleotide sequences are detected. Northern blots - RNAs are transfered to paper and specific nucleotide sequences are detected. Western blots - Proteins are transfered to paper and specific proteins are detected by using antibodies.

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