Saturday, July 25, 2020


1. Define gene cloning.
2. What the term restriction means in restriction enzyme
3. What do you understand by the term modification in restriction modification system?
4. Why type II R.E. are most commonly used in RDT?
5. What is the microbial source of Bam HI and its recognition sequence?
6. What do you understand by symmetrical cleavage? Give an example.
7. What is the principle behind DNA fingerprinting?
8. Why there is a need to prevent self ligation?
9. What s the use of polylinker?
10. What do you understand by the word shuttle vector?
11. How can you say that blue white selection is insertional inactivation?
12. What is the utilization of cos site?
13. How can you naturally obtain single stranded DNA for DNA sequencing?
14.What is YAC vector?
15. For the expression of eukaryotic proteins, why eukaryotic cells are often preferred?
16. In replica plate technique, plate with tetracycline shows the growth of..............................
17. Why we use Taq polymerase in PCR?
18. What is X-Gal and its utilization?
19. Archaelogists are using combinations of ........and ........... to relate and establish ancient Egyptian dynasties from samples obtained from mummies.
20. What is the main principle of Sanger's dideoxynucleotide chain termination method?

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