Monday, June 22, 2020


2 Marks questions:
1. What are expression vectors? What kind of promoter should be used in such vectors?
2. Generally, eukaryotic hosts are preferred to express eukaryotic proteins. Why?
3. Why viral vectors are ideal to transform host cells with suitable transgene?
4. Starting from double stranded DNA suggest a strategy for obtaining large amounts of pure single stranded DNA for sequencing purposes.

3 Marks questions:
1. Why do we use Taq polymerase in PCR? What is the importance of primers in the process of PCR? If we started with 5 molecules of template DNA, how many molecules will we get after 35 cycles of PCR?
2. In Southern Blotting, why do we bake nitrocellulose membrane after blotting? Why this technique is called blotting technique? Name a technique used to locate RNA in a gel?
3. Schematically illustrate various steps involved in creation of genomic library.

5 Marks questions:
1. Explain with a suitable diagram, the steps and principles involved in Sanger's method of DNA sequencing.
2. Discuss any 5 methods of introduction of rDNA into host cells.
3. Write a descriptive account on SDM.

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