Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Garbage In, Garbage Out, Ch 16, class 6

 1. The method of preparing compost with the help of earthworms is called   (1)

(a) composting
(b) vermicomposting
(c) manuring
(d) decomposing

2. If you dump kitchen waste in a pit, it may, after sometime    (1)
(a) convert into compost
(b) convert into vermicompost
(c) remain as such
(d) remain forever in its dried form.

3. Which of the following activities does not reflect responsible behaviour with regard to waste disposal?   (1)
(a) Goods carried m paper bags or cloth bags.
(b) Waste collected in polythene bags for disposal.
(c) Waste separated into those that degrade and those that do not.
(d) Making handicrafts with used up notebooks.

4. Paheli gave the following ill effects of the practice of burning dried leaves and other plant parts.
(i) Burning degrades the soil.   (1)
(ii) Burning produces harmful gases/fumes.
(iii) Precious raw materials to obtain manure at a low cost is lost.
(iv) Lot of heat is generated unnecessarily.
The correct reasons of why we should not burn leaves are
(a) i, ii and iv only
(b) i, ii, iii and iv
(c) ii and iii only
(d) ii, iii and iv only.

5. A garbage collector separate items mentioned below in the garbage into red, green and blue containers for their transfer to landfill, composting pit, and recycling unit respectively.
Items:     (2)
(i) Plastic bags
(ii) Newspaper and journals
(iii) Screw and nuts
(iv) Vegetable peels
(v) Metal chips
(vi) Eggshells
Which item was transferred to which bin?
(a)(i) and (iv)(ii) and (iii)(v) and (vi)
(b)(i) and (iii)(ii) and (v)(iv) and (vi)
(c)(i), (iii) and (v)(iv) and (vi)(ii) only
(d)(i) and (v)(ii) and (iv)(iii) only
6. The steps required for conversion of kitchen garbage into manure are given below in a jumbled form.                                                   (1)
(i) Put garbage in a pit.
(ii) Cover the bottom of the pit with sand.
(iii) Cover the pit loosely with a gunny bag or grass.
(iv) Add worms.                
Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the above steps?
(a) (ii); (i); (iii); (iv)
(b) (i); (ii); (iii); (iv)
(c) (ii); (iv); (i); (iii)
(d) (iv); (i); (ii); (iii)

7. Read the items mentioned in columns-l and II and fill in the related process in column III.  (3)

Column IColumn IIColumn III
(a) Organic wasteEarthworms(i) ……………
(b) GarbageDig pit and fill with garbage(ii) ……………
(c) Old newspaperPaper bags(iii) ……………
8. Correct the definitions of certain terms given below by changing only one word.      (3)
(i) Compost: Substances converted into manure for use in industries.
(ii) Landfill: Garbage buried underwater in an area.
(iii) Recycling: Reuse of unused material in the same or another form.

9. Provide a suitable term that expresses the meaning of each of the following statements.     (2)
(a) Greeting cards made from newspaper.
(b) Contents of the waste bins.
(c) Worms converting certain kinds of waste into manure.
(d) An area where a lot of garbage is collected, spread out and covered with soil.

10.Put a tick (✓) against the garbage items given in Table 16.1 which could be converted into manure. Put a cross (X) against the others.                                (5)
Garbage ItemsMake manure or not
(iii)Dry flowers
(v)Broken pieces of glass
(vi)Nails and screws
(vii)Plastic bangles
(viii)Leftover food
(ix)Steel broken vessel
(x)Dead animals

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