Sunday, February 6, 2022

Class test, Class 6, AIR AROUND US

Q1.  Fill in the Blanks:      (5)

1. The layer of air around the earth is known as ………………….. .
2. The component of air used by green plants to make their food, is ………………… .
3. Air is a gaseous …………….. .
4. …………….. is used to inflate tyres of vehicles.
5. The ………………… present in air helps in the formation of clouds.

Q2.Tick (✓) the Correct Option:      (6)

1. Air is a/an:
(a) mixture
(b) compound
(c) element
(d) none of these

2. Which is the largest component of air?
(a) Oxygen
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Carbon dioxide
(d) Water vapour

3. Air occupies space and has:
(a) colour
(b) smell
(c) mass
(d) none of these

4. ……………….. is a device which measures the air pressure.
(a) Barometer
(b) Thermometer
(c) Anemometer
(d) Ammeter

5. Which gas is released in respiration

(a) Nitric acid

(b) Carbon monooxide

(c) Carbon dioxide
(d) Sulphur dioxide

6. To release some of the air from the bottle shown in the given diagram, we should:
CBSE Class 6 Science Air Around Us Worksheets 1

(a) push the glass further down

(b) tilt the glass
(c) pour more water into the basin
(d) blow bubbles into the glass

Q3. State True or False:        (5)

1. Air has no mass. ………………….
2. Air is a mixture of gases. ……………….
3. Air exerts pressure. ……………….
4. Nitrogen supports burning. ………………
5. Sound can travel only in air. …………….

Q4. Match the following:      (4)

1. Breezea. Moving air
2. Stormb. Slow moving air
3. Smokec. Air with very high speed
4. Windd. Air with ash particles

Q5. Arrange the jumbled words given below in proper form:  (4)

1. DILLMWIN ………………..
2. YNOGXE ……………….
3. TUDS ………………..
4. MESKO ………………

Q6. What is the composition of air?            (2)
Q7. Which gas in the atmosphere is essential for respiration?       (2)
Q8. Why the transparent glass of windows, if not wiped off regularly, appears hazy?  (2)

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