Tuesday, February 8, 2022



1. Which of the following activity does not involve use of water? 

(a) Washing clothes (b) Bathing (c) Cleaning utensils (d) Drying wet clothes 

2. In which of the following activities will you use minimum amount of water? 

(a) Bathing (b) Brushing teeth (c) Washing clothes (d) Mopping a room 

3. The quantity of water required to produce one page of your book is

 (a) one bucket (b) ten buckets (c) two glasses (d) few drops

4. Water in our tap comes from a 

(a) river (b) lake (c) well (d) river, lake or well 14 Water 

 5. In which of the following case evaporation of water will be slowest? 

(a) A tray of water kept in sunlight. (b) A kettle of water kept on a burner. (c) A glass of water kept in a room. (d) A bucket of water kept on rooftop. 

6. Transpiration is a process in which plants 

(a) receive water from soil. (b) absorb water vapour from air. (c) prepare food from water. (d) release water vapour.

 7. Clouds are 

(a) tiny drops of water floating in air. (b) mixture of dust and water vapour. (c) particles of water vapour. (d) rain drops in air. 

8. Wells are fed by

(a) pond water. (b) lake water. (c) rain water. (d) ground water.

 9. Floods cause extensive damage to 

(a) crops. (b) property and human life. (c) domestic animals. (d) all of the above.  

10. “Catch water where it falls” is the basic idea behind 

(a) recycling of water. (b) making dams to store water. (c) rain water harvesting. (d) condensation of water vapour.


11. Why do wet clothes placed on a clothes line get dry after some time? Explain.  (2)

12. Water kept in sunlight gets heat from sun and is evaporated. But how does water kept under the shade of a tree also gets evaporated? Explain.   (2)

13. How do the areas covered with concrete affect the availability of ground water?(3)

14. 18. Fill in the blanks selecting words from the following list snow, rain, clouds, vapour, evaporation, transpiration. Water, as _____ goes into atmosphere by the processes of ______ and _____ and forms ________, which on condensation fall in the form of ______ and _______.   (3)

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