Friday, October 30, 2020


 1. ______________ component of RBC transport oxygen from the lungs to all the cells of body.

2. One complete cycle of contraction of the heart followed by its relaxation is called __________

3. _____________ are the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to various parts of body.

4. _______________ are the extremely thin blood vessels which connect arteries to veins.

5. The main excretory product in human being is _____________

6. Platelets play major role in blood ____________

7. Throbic movements due to blood flow in arteries are called __________

8. ___________ is fluid connective tissue that flows in blood vessels.

9. Aquatic animals like fishes excrete body wastes as ____________

10.  Animals like snakes excrete semi-solid white coloured compound called ____________

11. Loss of water in the form of vapour through leaves is called _____________

12. The transportation of food from the leaves to other parts of plant is called ________

13. The tiny branches of blood vessels that connect arteries with the veins are called ________.

14. Blood contains a pale yellow liquid called ________.

15. The red blood cells contain ________.

16. ________ destroy the germs that enter our body.

17. The Heartbeat is indicated by ________.

18.Bacteria are ________ organisms.

19. Our heart beats ________ times per minute.

20.The transport system in plants is called ________.

21.The structure that transport water and minerals in plants is ________.

22.Water rises in the xylem tubes due to ________.

23.The tissue that transport food in plants is the ________.

24.The loss of water from the stomata is called________.

25. The impure blood is transported from the right ventricle to the lungs by________.

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