Friday, October 2, 2020


 1. Frozen animal cell culture should be thawed in a water bath maintained at 37degree celsius, with moderate shaking. Why? [1]

2. An enriched medium containing salts, glucose, proteins and vitamins was made and a commercially available animal cell line was introduced. However, the cells began dying. What could be the reason behind it?   [1]

3. What is A in the flow chart? [1]
CBSE Sample Question Papers for Class 12 Biotechnology 2020-1

4. r - HUEPO has advantages over blood transfusion. List any two of them. [1]

5. Diagrammatically show the cultivation of adult stem cells from bone marrow and their differentiation into specialized cells. Name two scientists who established the field of stem cell research. For which medical conditions, stem cells can be used (Write any two)? [5]

5. What is Gene Knock out? [1]

6. Enlist the advantages and limitations of animal cell culture (two each). [2]

7. Outline the process of creation of chimeric mouse by embryonic stem cell culture. [3]

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